Typography and Icons

Basic Headers

This is H1 header

This is H2 header

This is H3 header

This is H4 header

This is H5 header
This is H6 header

Headers with <small>

Small header 1 text.

Small header 2 text.

Small header 3 text.

Small header 4 text.


Beside de usual image icons we integrate Font Awesome v.2.0. with over 200 icons. In a single collection, Font Awesome is a pictographic language of web-related actions. Easily style icon color, size, shadow, and anything that’s possible with CSS. You can read more about it HERE.


How to add icons

You can use <i></i> or <span></span> . Can be used in buttons, menus, lists etc. View the whole icons list HERE.

Button Example

How can you not love this?


[button color=”normal”]<i class=”icon-heart”></i>How can you not love this?[/button]


Testimonial goes here

Isaac Asimov - HTML5 Expert


[testimonial authorname=”Isaac Asimov” authorurl=”#” authorposition=”HTML5 Expert”]Testimonial goes here [/testimonial]


Blockquote goes here.Bill Gates


[blockquote author=”Bill Gates”]Blockquote goes here. [/blockquote]